"COEDULLOIXA" es el blog de Igualdad del IES Lloixa.

La profesora Faz Martín Sánchez está gestionando dicho blog, como Coordinadora de Igualdad y Convivencia en el IES Lloixa.

Es un espacio para compartir noticias, proyectos, reseñas, imágenes, actividades, acciones, vídeos, fotos… coeducativas y de convivencia positiva del IES Lloixa. Además, hay una recopilación relevante de propuestas y actividades para que el profesorado pueda trabajar en sus horas de docencia.


Summary 25N 2017 

For some years now, in the schools and secondary schools of the Valencian community, we have been working actively in the fight against gender violence. This is the most tragic and undesirable consequence of the persistence in our society of gender stereotypes and inequalities. That is why it is so important to bring it to light and that is why every year on November 25 we commemorate this anniversary.

The specific objectives are:
1.- Preventing gender violence.
2.- Raising awareness about this problem that concerns us all.
3.- Working to achieve an egalitarian society.

These are the activities that we carry out on the occasion of the 25N of 2017:

- Students from 4ºESO participated in the II Conference against gender violence at the Sant Joan d’Alacant Hospital, “Vuela libre”(Fly free). Previously they had worked some short films of Ministry of Health about “micromachismos” in the young and they had reflected about it, asking themselves What do I see?, What do I think?, What do I do? After that, two students from 4ºESO discussed with representatives of other other schools about the control situations seen in the videos. 
- The week before 25N, videos and songs were analyzed, denouncing sexist violence in them. 
- The exhibition “Memorables, Insignes, Intrépidas” (Memorable, Distinguished, Fearless) facilitated by the Association of Women’s Facts and Rights, which presents a journey through the life and work of outstanding and forgotten women between 19th century and part of the 20th century. 
- The students of 4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato attended the Casa de Cultura of the town to see the dance show “Elle” by the company Over&Out, which tells a story of gender violence towards a young girl. 
- Elaboration and exhibition of posters thanks to the work of the Art Department with the students. 
- Collection of red shoes for the exhibition “Red shoes” in memory of the murdered women. 
- 25N, act of rejection towards sexist violence with the reading of a manifesto and the names of the victims of 2017, by the students of the center.


Summary 25N 2018

2018 has been a key year in the struggle for equality between men and women, or what is the same in the feminist struggle. Initiatives that have crossed borders such as MeToo, or the massive participation in the strike and demonstrations of 8M in our country, suggest that there is no turning back and that it is beginning to change.

However, much remains to be done and this optimism is blurred every time a woman is murdered at the hands of her partner or ex-partner. We must all say firmly enough is enough! Only a committed society that is not an accomplice to these murderers can deal with violence against women.

As always in the IES Lloixa, we claim every 25N the end of this violence and remember with a feeling of sadness and pain the murdered women. We emphasize the involvement of students in this task, girls and boys who want to do things and are committed to an egalitarian society, for a more just society. To the reading of the protest manifesto and the name of the murdered women, which we do every year, we have added a performance that symbolized the loss of these women.

Also, a group of 1º ESO students represented a version of song No tingues por.

On the other hand, the town of Sant Joan d’Alacant gave us the exhibition Red Shoes, as a tribute to all victims of sexist violence. And our students demonstrated at the Town Hall, where there was an institutional act against violence and some students read a message about equality and against violence. Then, they could see the theater play Nora, after which there was a small debate.


EL NOMBRE DE LA CLASE (The name of our class) 

On December 13, 2018 we opened The name of the class. It is a project to make visible the contributions of women in all fields of knowledge, many of them set apart by the society in which they lived and also by historiography so their contributions have been hidden and not named in the textbooks.

We do not want an androcentric school model, we do not want to deprive boys and girls of female models that are as important as male ones. With this objective our students have named outstanding women to 26 classrooms, whose plates can now be seen at the entrance of the classrooms.

And to publicize the project we did an opening ceremony in which students and teachers made a version of the song Te’n podria dir mil. And we translate our message, the intentions of the project so that we do not forget that a just society cannot exist without the participation of women in conditions of equality.

That day we were accompanied by many people like the Major and the councilors of Equality and Education. Also Gemma Pasqual, the Valencian writer whose novels are read by our students and who has named classroom 108.